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Participating in the General Shareholder's Meeting


All shareholders, irrespective of the number of owned share, take part in the the General Shareholders’ Meeting.
bioMérieux releases a notice with the text of the resolutions proposed to the Shareholders’ Meeting in the “Bulletin des Annonces Légales Obligatoires” (French Bulletin of Compulsory Legal Announcements).

Registered shareholders for at least one month at the notice date receive an individual invitation  to the General Shareholders’ Meeting together with a voting form.


To have the right to attend or to be represented to the Shareholders’ Meeting, the shareholder has to prove his/her identity and his/her shareownership status  during the recording formalities, by the third working day preceding the Shareholders’ Meeting at midnight (Paris time).

1. Admission card

In order to facilitate shareholders' access to the  General Shareholders’ Meeting, the shareholder should ask for an admission card prior to the meeting, according to the hereafter procedure:

  • A registered shareholder can send his/her request to BNP PARIBAS Securities Services – CTS – Service Assemblées – Les Grands Moulins de Pantin – 9 Rue du débarcadère – 93761 Pantin Cedex – France. The day of the Shareholders’ Meeting, he/she (with his/her ID card) can also go to directly the counter especially provided for that purpose.
  • A bearer shareholder sends his/her request to his/her financial intermediary acting as his/her agent. However, each bearer shareholder who did not receive his/her admission card three days before the General Shareholders’ Meeting will have to ask his/her financial intermediary to give him/her an attestation confirming his/her shareownership status three days before the Shareholders’ Meeting.

2. Delegating their authority to the Chairman and postal voting form

If the shareholder can not personally take part to the General Shareholders’ Meeting, he/she can choose between one of the following three formulae:

  1. Send a mandate to the Company without any representative's indication. Resolutions presented or approved by the Board of directors will consequently be favourably voted. All the other resolutions will be unfavourably voted.
  2. Vote by correspondence. The Company does not set up electronic telecommunication means to vote by correspondence, but a writing form (cf. hereafter).
  3. Give a mandate to his wife/her husband, to another shareholder, to the partner with whom he/she concluded a civil union (PACS) or to any other person or legal entity of his/her choice under the applicable legal and statutory requirements.

Once the notice of the General Shareholders’ Meeting has been published, each bearer shareholder can request a voting form to his/her financial intermediary. This request should be made no later than six days before the date of the Meeting.

This  postal voting form must then be returned to the financial intermediary, which then will send it to BNP PARIBAS Securities Services – CTS – Service Assemblées – Les Grands Moulins de Pantin – 9 Rue du débarcadère – 93761 Pantin Cedex - France. The postal votes will be taken into account only if forms are duly filled and are received by the Company or its above-mentioned representative three calendar days at least before the General Sahreholders’ Meeting.

Documents available for shareholders

Shareholders can get the documents relating to the General Shareholders’ Meeting under the deadlines and conditions set by the commercial law*, A simple demand is to be sent to the Company’s head office or to BNP PARIBAS Securities Services. These documents are also avalaible for shareholders at the Company’s head office.

These information and documents in their entirety can also be consulted, at the latest starting the twenty-first day preceding the General Shareholders’ Meeting, on the Company’s web site: - General Shareholders' Meeting section

* Articles R225-81, R225-83, R225-88 of the French « Code du Commerce »