Analysts coverage & consensus
Financial analysts disclose their latest financial forecasts.
Analysts Coverage | |
AlphaValue | Anas Patel |
Bank of America | Marianne Bulot |
Barclays | Gaurav Jain |
Berenberg Bank | Odysseas Manesiotis |
CIC | Arnaud Cadart |
Deutsche Bank | Jan Koch |
Exane BNP Paribas | Hugo Solvet |
Gilbert Dupont | Guillaume Cuvillier |
HSBC | Rajesh Kumar |
Invest Securities | Thibault Voglimacci |
Jefferies | Peter Welford |
Kepler-Chevreux | Maja Pataki |
Morgan Stanley | Aisyah Noor |
Oddo | Christophe-Raphaël Ganet |
Royal Bank of Canada | Natalia Webster |
Stifel | Dylan Van Haaften |
TP ICAP MIDCAP | Sarah Thirion |
UBS | Kavya Deshpande |
Analysts Consensus |
Updated February 13th 2025
The bioMérieux share:
- is listed on Euronext Paris Compartment A
- is notably part of the following indexes: CAC Mid 60®, SBF 120®, STOXX® Europe 600 and MSCI France
- and also of sustainability indexes: Sustainability Excellence Europe, FTSE4Good, Gaïa, Global Challenge, ISS ESG Prime, VIGEO Eiris Eurozone 120 and Euronext ESG Large 80
- is eligible for the Deferred Settlement Service (SRD)
ISIN code: FR0013280286
Code: BIM
Reuters code: BIOX.PA
Bloomberg code: BIM.FP