Pioneering in vitro Diagnostics to Improve Public Health Worldwide
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Optimize Diagnostics With Data-driven Solutions.
Providing access to a centralized data management web portal to give users total insights and analytics into BIOFIRE® System performance, utilization, pathogen surveillance, workflow management, and more.
BIOFIRE® Respiratory 2.1 and 2.1plus Panels
1 Test. Up to 23 Targets. ~45 Minutes.
The BIOFIRE RP2.1 and RP2.1plus Panels use the syndromic approach to accurately detect and identify the pathogens most associated with respiratory infections. Fast and comprehensive results may enable better-informed diagnosis and treatment of patients.
BIOFIRE® SPOTFIRE® Respiratory/Sore Throat Panels
Comprehensive Onsite PCR Results in ~15 Minutes.
The BIOFIRE SPOTFIRE Respiratory/Sore Throat (R/ST) Panels enable testing for respiratory pathogens from either a nasopharyngeal swab or a throat swab, providing a flexible respiratory solution to meet the unique needs of point-of-care settings.
This Changes Everything.
The BIOFIRE® SPOTFIRE® System is the latest advancement in molecular infectious disease diagnostics from bioMérieux for Point-of-Care testing, offering rapid and actionable results onsite.
BIOFIRE® Syndromic Trends
Turn BIOFIRE® System Results into Smart Pathogen Trending
Creating a global surveillance network that displays BIOFIRE® Panel test results from participating laboratories and hospitals around the world, BIOFIRE TREND allows users to explore epidemiology insights and better understand site-specific and regional pathogen trends and seasonality.
BIOFIRE® FILMARRAY® Gastrointestinal (GI) Panels
1 Test. 11 or 22 Targets. ~1 Hour
BIOFIRE FILMARRAY GI Panels are fast and sensitive molecular stool testing methods for infectious gastrointestinal disease.
BIOFIRE® FILMARRAY® Gastrointestinal (GI) Panel tests for 22 targets from one patient sample. Its comprehensive menu includes 13 bacteria, 5 viruses and 4 parasites commonly associated with infectious gastroenteritis.
BIOFIRE® FILMARRAY® Gastrointestinal (GI) Panel Mid tests for 11 targets and offers clinicians another GI testing option. Its menu includes 7 bacteria, 1 virus and 3 parasites associated with infectious gastroenteritis. -
BIOFIRE® FILMARRAY® Meningitis/Encephalitis Panel
1 Test. 14 Targets. ~1 Hour.
The BIOFIRE ME Panel provides answers on 14 of the most common bacterial, viral, and yeast pathogens that cause central nervous system infections to help healthcare providers rapidly distinguish between bacterial and viral meningitis and optimize life-saving therapy.
BIOFIRE® FILMARRAY® Pneumonia & Pneumonia plus Panels
1 Test. Up to 34 Targets. ~1 Hour.
Syndromic tests targeting a comprehensive menu of bacteria and viruses that cause pneumonia and other lower respiratory tract infections, as well as 7 genetic markers of antibiotic resistance.
BIOFIRE® Joint Infection Panel
1 Test. 39 Targets. ~1 Hour.
Using PCR technology, the BIOFIRE JI Panel is a rapid syndromic test that delivers comprehensive results in one easy-to-read report.
Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Data Analysis Platform
Provides easy-to-use applications for clinical microbiologists: bacterial and fungal identification, clinical pathogen outbreak management, microbiome profiling, and SARS-CoV-2 genomics variants identification.