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Sepsis Alliance AMR Virtual Conference


Sepsis Alliance Institute | April 2024 

Collaborative efforts, ongoing innovation, and educational initiatives are crucial in addressing the intersection of sepsis and antimicrobial resistance (AMR). While broad-spectrum antimicrobials may initially be relied upon in sepsis treatment, reducing unnecessary use is essential in combatting the increasing danger of AMR.

In Sepsis Alliance’s 2023 publication, The Healthcare C-Suite AMR Market Report, 77% of healthcare executives consider AMR education necessary for clinicians, caregivers, patients, and the public to effectively manage this intricate relationship.

To that end, bioMérieux is proud to be a sponsor of the upcoming Sepsis Alliance AMR Conference on April 10-11, 2024. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to explore innovative ideas and practical technologies for managing sepsis while combating the escalating threat of AMR. 


Check out the Sepsis Alliance AMR Virtual Conference! 

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Sepsis Solution

When time is critical, you need accurate information, and you need it fast. bioMérieux is your partner along the sepsis management pathway, offering the most comprehensive solution for sepsis diagnostics to optimize antibiotic therapy for better patient care.

U.S. bioMérieux Solutions

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Sepsis Solution

bioMérieux supports the continuum of sepsis care with diagnostic solutions that span the entire treatment workflow. 


April 5, 2024