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bioMérieux’s Smart Remote Services secure the continuity of your testing operations, regardless of technical issues or required maintenance.

Obtain quick remote access from the same bioMérieux experts you trust in order to:

• Optimize instrument up time to improve productivity.

• Enhance your knowledge on your equipment and usage.

• Have access to tools and services to contribute to the efficiency of your lab.

Main benefits

  • Fast, easy virtual assistance from our experts to help your testing workflow run seamlessly.
  • Service instruments easily, contact-free, and outside of running/usage hours.
  • Boost profitability with increased uptime and quick resolution of issues.
  • Improve staff skills and shorten the learning curve with direct support from bioMérieux experts.
  • Ensure confidence in instrumentation and workflow, allowing you to focus on production and release.
Smart Remote Services Benefits

Increase instrument up-time and improve efficiency with Smart Remote services

VILINK® and EASY ASSIST work together for seamless remote support.

  • VILINK® and EASY ASSIST integrate complementary virtual assistance thanks to remote access and merged reality video conferencing.
  • Quick support for technical matters is critical for laboratories and manufacturing facilities. Attending to equipment issues and remote maintenance becomes safe and easy using VILINK and EASY ASSIST.
Smart Remote Services VILINK EASY ASSIST

VILINK® is a bioMérieux Remote Service solution that enables system troubleshooting and diagnosis, as well as on-demand system updates, proactive maintenance and remote coaching.

  • Facilitates access to experts via encrypted communication, ensuring the security and integrity of sensitive data by meeting the requirements of high security standards.

EASY ASSIST enables seamless video collaboration between your on-site  technician and a bioMérieux remote tech support expert, using a tablet or mobile device.

  • One-on-one video exchanges with our experts in real time.
  • Collaborate with your bioMérieux’s experts to improve lab efficiency, inform best practices, and learn more about your equipment and usage patterns.

Brochure Smart Remote Services

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Ensure Lab Continuity With our Other Services

Feasibility Study

We’ll prove the compatibility of your matrices with a validated bioMérieux platform depending on your microbiological specifications.

Validation Protocols

We help you expedite the implementation of your investment by reducing validation time and expense.

Supply Chain Services

We help you minimize your administrative operations so you can focus on your core business activities

Instrument Service Plans and Support

We support you with service maintenance and repairs, ensuring the reliable continuity of your operations.

VILINK® Instrument Management System        

VILINK® software is our real-time support system that keeps the instruments in your laboratory running via remote monitoring.