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Data processor’s list

bioMérieux VISION SUITE Subprocessors list

Subprocessors providing services to bioMerieux in the context of cloud-based solution VISION SUITE.

Some activities which need to be performed by subprocessors selected by bioMérieux bring them to process personal data.

Please click on download PDF below if you want to see the list of subprocessors of bioMérieux for VISION SUITE.

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bioMérieux Vision Suite Subprocessor List V1.0 July 2024 ENG.pdf
120 KB

bioMérieux Subprocessors list for customers support

Processors providing services for bioMérieux in the framework of Article 28 of GDPR.

Some activities which need to be performed by sub-processors selected by bioMérieux bring them to process personal data.

The document accessible through the button ‘Read the document’ below lists the subprocessors that have or will potentially have access to Customer Data (including patient data) as defined in the General Conditions of Sales of bioMérieux (GCS)/ General Maintenance and Repair Conditions of bioMérieux (GMRD) or when bioMérieux acts as data processor to provide services on behalf of its customers.

Download PDF

bioMérieux Services Subprocessor V2.0 December 2023 ENG.pdf
460 KB

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