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Evaluation of the bioMérieux GENE-UP® System for STEC Detection

June 26, 2020


Australia is a major global exporter of beef products exporting more than 70% of products to a range of markets including China, Japan, Korea and the USA. Many of Australia’s export markets have market access regulations that require Australian producers to test beef products for the presence of Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC). Testing of beef products for the presence of STEC typically relies on detecting genes that encode Shiga toxin (stx), intimin (eae) and O-antigen genes specific for Top7 STEC. Test systems that utilise an STEC concentration procedure may decrease the number of potential positives (PPs) that require culture confirmation with potentially favourable impacts on the costs of testing and production operations.  

Free Webinar

A variety of STEC test systems exist commercially and many, including the bioMérieux GENE-UP® Top7 STEC detection system, have recently been evaluated in Australian conditions. This webinar will discuss the results and significance of the evaluations to the Australian beef industry, the importance of STEC to beef production industries more generally, and the challenges facing commercial test system providers as our knowledge of foodborne pathogens increases.

The webinar will conclude with a Question & Answer session to address matters of specific interest.


Dairy products on display


Automated, Real-time Food Pathogen Detection


Dr. Robert

CSIRO Agriculture & Food, Australia