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Environmental Monitoring Program A Step By Step Guide


When Data Science Meets Molecular Biology for Fast and Easy Pathogen Source Tracking for Food Industries

When Data Science Meets Molecular Biology for Fast and Easy Pathogen Source Tracking for Food Industries

The presence of disease- or spoilage-causing microorganisms (parasites, yeasts and molds, bacteria and viruses) in food can have a major financial impact on food production facilities and result in enormous reputational damage when products need to be recalled and destroyed (Hussain MA, 2013). Despite preventive measures, the number of foodborne pathogen (disease-causing organism) outbreaks are still a significant public health threat worldwide and is impacted by the increased globalization and increased food production (Nazir, 2023; Hussain MA, 2013). In those events, most of the encountered foodborne pathogens are bacteria, with Salmonella, Escherichia coli, Campylobacter and Listeria monocytogenes being the most important causative agents of foodborne diseases (Lee Heeyoung, 2021).

From a food producer perspective, it is essential to take on a preventive approach for pathogen screening instead of a reactive one, since economic analyses have shown that the costs due to foodborne outbreaks are extensively higher than the investments in preventing them...


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