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Educational Tutorials

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Biomérieux -Syndromic Testing Educational Tutorials by Clara Udaondo

Doctor Clara Udaondo

In this testimonial, Dr. Clara Udaondo from Hospital Infantil Universitario La Paz, Madrid, will share her experience using PCR syndromic tests in the management of native joint infection in children.

Biomérieux -Syndromic Testing Educational Tutorials by Clara Udaondo

Doctor Naim Aoun

Doctor Naim Aoun from the American Hospital Dubai will present a practical approach to pneumonia diagnosis.

Doctor David Aman Eddine

Doctor David Aman Eddine

Testimonial video of Doctor David Aman Eddine, Chairman of Paediatrics & Newborn services at the Dr. Sulaiman Al Habib Hospital of Dubai, UAE, on the value of syndromic testing in paediatric patients.

Doctor David Aguilera Alonso

Doctor David Aguilera Alonso

Testimonial video of Doctor David Aguilera Alonso, Paediatrician in the Infectious Disease Unit of the Gregorio Marañón Hospital in Madrid, Spain, on the value of syndromic testing in paediatric patients.

Doctor Monika Wanke-Rytt

Doctor Monika Wanke-Rytt

Testimonial video of Doctor Monika Wanke-Rytt, Medical Director of Children’s Teaching Hospital of the Medical University of Warsaw, Poland, on the value of syndromic testing in paediatric patients.

In this tutorial, Professor Alexander Zoufaly, infectious disease physician from Vienna

Professor Alexander Zoufaly

In this tutorial, Professor Alexander Zoufaly, infectious disease physician from Vienna, Austria, will give the clinician's point of view on syndromic testing at point of care.

In this tutorial, Professor Tristan Clark, Associate Professor and Consultant, University of Southampton

Professor Tristan Clark

In this tutorial, Professor Tristan Clark, Associate Professor and Consultant in Infectious Diseases at the University of Southhampton, UK, will discuss multiplex PCR testing for gastrointestinal infections in point of care settings (in the context of the GastroPOC trial).

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