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Blood Culture Materials

Blood Culture Collection

Best practices video

A properly collected blood culture sample, free of contaminants, can help ensure accurate results that will improve patient outcomes

Preparation steps for collecting blood culture specimens

Discover an animated video that illustrates the preparation steps for collecting blood culture specimens with a winged set and with a needle and syringe.

Blood Culture Sampling

Best practices video

Blood culture sampling videos

Collecting blood culture specimens:

  • Preparation steps with winged set & needle syringe
  • Collection with winged set
  • Collection with needle & syringe
  • Preparation and collection with indwelling devices
Winged Set

Printable poster


This printable poster illustrates the preparation steps for collecting blood culture specimens with a winged set.

(Other languages available: French - Spanish - Portuguese)

Needle & Syringe

Printable poster


This printable poster illustrates the preparation steps for collecting blood culture specimens with a needle and syringe.

(Other languages available: French - Spanish - Portuguese)

The content on this website and associated materials do not constitute medical advice and should not be considered a substitute for the individual professional judgement of any physician or other health care practitioner regarding the appropriate course of action for a particular patient. All recommendations should be independently reviewed with appropriate medical staff in light of the needs of any particular institution and its patients. bioMérieux makes no guarantee or representation regarding the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of this information for any particular purpose, including but not limited to any cost savings.

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